Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's nice to have some one be proud of you

...and when it is your husband, that just rocks the world. I know that we are really alwyas proud of our other half (that really is a truism...he knows me so well)but he is an actor as well and actor types get critical of each other...even when they love them. (The joke that is SOO true...How many actors does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 100...1 to do the job and 99 others to say they could have done it better).

Neither Bob nor I was cast in Virginia Woolf. I was so proud of him and wished the director had read him more. I wish that I had enough guts to stand up and ask if he would read us together...would have been fun.

I got the best rejection letter that II have ever had from an audtion. It made me feel like maybe I'm not so bad and do have some clue as to what I am doing acting wise. The best part...Bob has been bragging to friends about my good rejection. He even told me he was proud of me the night of I was of him.

Bob and I both are really starting to get the bug again...I think that means we both have something to say.

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