Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Husband is in a play...

...and I am not. It was a show I wanted to do...auditioned twice for...and I get it! I'm not right for the part.

But my Bobert is SO right for Mitch...and he has begun to kick into actor mode. This role is a challenge for him...probably one of the most demanding shows he's ever had. I think it scares the best of ways.

Having been talking about this play between Bob, John and I since the first night of audition...this play is an many many interpretations.

If you read this, go to youtube and look up the discussion with Natasha Richardson, Jessica Lange, John C. Reilly, Christian Slater..."Glass Menagerie" and "Streetcar" were revived on Broadway at the same time....wonderful observations...particularly Richardson's take on on.

Here's my bottom line...months ago I gasped when I saw someone was doing "Streetcar"...because I wanted to audition...but knew this was my husband's show...he's perfect for the part.

As Rene would say...that was work on it. Sounds harsh in printed words...never harsh in were just pushed gently to do your best.

Glad my Bobert is being challenged...he's going to surprise people.

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