Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Remind Me....

...why am I in retail? Oh yeah, it's because they hired me when I needed a job. As you know, I REALLY do like the job. Then come those things called holidays. Sorry...the soapbox is coming out from under the desk and I am going to stand on it.

We are open on the Fourth of July. Unitl 7:00. It sucks. It sucks because I have to work, but in reality that is a minor point to me. I really am offended that ANYONE has to work on the Fourth. What has happened to us and our society?

Growing up, I remember the Fourth of July as a time to be with family and it meantto mean something importanht even if I was too young to understand when I was little. It seemed to be a holiday about honour and hope and celebration. Now it just seems like an excuse for stores to have three day sales.

I have had customers outraged that we are open. The frequent comment is "In THIS community?". The Upper Arlington celebration is a big tradition but it should not just be about one should be about everyone.

I can understand drugstores and even grocery stores being open part of the day but why a clothing store? Why Macy's? Why JoAnn Fabric? These are not stores that provide anything that you need to live. You CAN wait until Saturday to return that top or buy that spool of thread.

Back to my situation...because I think it is typical of so many. Our headquarters is closed except for the skeleton crew that works the help desk. Yes, I am happy that our Everydayman gets the day off...but are the big wigs who make the decisions to be open going to be at the stores working? NO. Are we going to get stern messages on Saturday because business wasn't as good as "they" think it should have been? YES> How much differance is this ONE day going to make in the life of a company? Quite frankly, if one day matters that much the company has been screwed for a long time.

Here is my challenge to anyone who reads this little missive. Our customer service number is 1-888-855-4986. If you think ANY store being open is on the Fourth is and tell them. I know that you will have to refer specifically to Chico's being open but that's the number I have. Go on the web. Find other store numbers. Call them. I want the holidays to be special again...for all of us.

The soapbox is back under the desk.

I hope you have a lovely Fourth. Independence is the sweetest thing and we all are blessed who have it.

1 comment:

Gumby said...

I remember when I was a kid, a lot of places were closed EVERY SUNDAY. Now places are so greedy they refuse to close for anything other than the most desolate shopping days (i.e. Thanksgiving and Christmas). American Corporate Greed is what will destroy our country. Not gay marriage. :-)