Sunday, May 9, 2010

What was....

...your best moment on vacation? John asked that tonight. I said riding my little faux surfboard really far into shore...I felt brilliant on a two foot wave.

Actually, the best moment was Connie and me in the car after lunch at the cool rest stop in West Virginia (the name starts with a T and the name is gone and I am getting SOOO old). A mishap with seat belts and gum made us deeply belly laugh for at least five minutes. It was the best moment because it was so us.

Thank you Connie...for so many things.

For wanting to go on vacation with me and inviting me.

For sticking with me when I have disappeared.

For sending me home from a rehearsal where I was totally screwing up...almost quit that night and put my script in your door...what stopped me was I loved you more and I wanted to do my best for you.

You are a force to be reckoned with...even if you don't think so.

My real favorite moment of vacation is us on the deck at the house...just talking. Loved it.

You are the Intelligentsia and I am the Flake...we complement each other.

So to Connie...

Thank you for your company. I've missed it more than you know.

You are perfect. Just as you are.


KL said...
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KL said...

I love beach vacations! How wonderful that you and Connie had a good one together. My favorite vacation memories are always made from early morning walks on a quiet beach. Love love love those moments that simply can't be recreated anywhere else.

cynderloowho said...

I so love that you read me...I miss you more than you know. I miss your laugh, I miss your questions...I miss your engagedness. I feel like we find each other and then years go by...and then we are where we left off. Maybe we are a touchstone for each other.

You rocky my world...I tried to correct it..but you do rocky my world.

Love you and miss you.