Sunday, June 6, 2010

I thought there would be more time... lovely Connie said to me today. We were talking about the loss of a friend who was instrumental in both our was because of him that our lives intertwined some 29 years back.

We always think there will be more time. It is our flaw as human beings. We long for it..we yearn for it...and yet we take time for granted. It's not that we take time for granted. We take our relationships for granted. It is so easy to put them on a back burner. Without the people in our lives who love us, cry when we cry, buoy us up when needed and celebrate our victories...and yes, give us a big reality check...and we hopefully do the same for them...what is the point?

But that is the point. To know that you have had a remarkable person in your life...who put their hand print on your soul...who made their mark and changed you forever.

I challenge everyone with Rene's words..."That was a choice...but perhaps there are better choices to be made."

Go forth and find your best. He always did.

Thank you, Rene.

You rock my world.

1 comment:

KL said...

Thank you Rene...indeed.