Wednesday, January 14, 2015

It didn't occur to me...

...until yesterday...when my husband told me he read my blog...that maybe other people did too.  
First off...he reads my blog? Did gobsmack me.
We had to post pictures to our profile page on BOSS...the corporate system. Mandatory. Do have to say Joyce and I had fun getting a good one of me. We laughed our butts off.
I'm not so photogenic.
Years ago I worked on a video project for a student at OSU...Cinda Ehman was the director. Don't remember what degree it was towards...just remember that it was a big deal for her...a REAL BIG DEAL.
Shot the video at the Ohio Penitentiary over three months...
Memories from the shoot...
Bill Potter and I did not do well going down steps while saying dialogue well. Jay's words: "You call that acting?" Up the stairs...and down. Again...again...again...again.
I am not good at opening doors and entering a room. Have to say that most of the rooms that I entered from were small really stinky disgusting bathrooms. Entrance do over...again...again...again.
My favorite words in the setting up of a shot. The videographer...looking through his lens at me..."Oh God no. We can't shoot her straight on. Whoa!" Yes Mama...I am a pretty girl.
Learned to sing harmony on Going to the Chaple with Bill and Sheila. We had some times much time between shots and had it nailed.
Bill and I went into the infirmary building ...and it totally creeped me out...mostly the top floor. Could just feel stuff...didn't want to be there. Overwhelming.
In the chapel...on the wall...there was the most mesmerizing painting of a dark skinned Jesus with azure eyes.  It was serene and disturbing at the same time.
I got cast kind of by accident. Don't remember quite how...but it was by accident.
When I was 29 going on 30...I got a little sad. What happened to my dreams? What happened to all the big things I was going to do?
When I took stock...
I wanted to be an actor...and I was. I was fortunate to be cast more often than not...and worked with great inspirational people.
I wanted to get paid to be an actor...did a couple of murder mysteries and got paid. Ta Da!
I wanted to be in a movie. I think shooting at the Ohio Pen for three months counts...and I was the lead.
The dreams I had...the things I wanted to accomplish? I had done them. Perhaps not on as grand a scale as I had once dreamed of...but accomplished none the less.
And yes...occasionally I "Thank the Academy" while moving the store around.
We are nothing without hope and dreams.

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