Friday, June 12, 2015

I was a Ninja... moving stuff.
It looks good...but it also created a mess that I have to go fix tomorrow. It's like clean one room up...but the stuff shifts to another room.
Really wonder how the new DM is perceiving our scheduling. Joyce is scheduled off til Tuesday. I'm off the next week. So...a Saturday without management...sales leads...and they are brilliant. We're covered.
If I were Amy...I would be asking why isn't a manager in the store?
I didn't ask for the next week off...grateful for it.
If Joyce is js not feeling behind the eight ball...she's stupid.
The crapspeak she got by with Linda ain't gonna work with Amy.
I'm still recovering from lunch with Amy.
When we sat down...I was almost hyperventilating. Thinking "Don't let me come across stupid."
In forty five minutes Amy knew more about me than Linda knew bout me in the eleven years I knew her.
I always felt stupid around Linda. For whatever reason, she dismissed me.
Oh well.The medal  I wear...Shakespeare qoute..."though she be but little...she is fierce."

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